Where Is Ivanka Trump Right Now?

As the daughter of former President Donald Trump and former advisor to his administration, Ivanka Trump has been a prominent figure in the political and business world. However, since her father’s departure from the White House in January 2021, many people have been wondering where Ivanka Trump is and what she is currently doing.

Following her father’s presidency, Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner made the decision to relocate their family to Miami, Florida. The move was mainly motivated by personal reasons, as they wanted to provide a more stable environment for their three children. Additionally, the move to Florida also allows them to be closer to Ivanka’s mother, Ivana Trump, who resides in the state.

In terms of her professional career, Ivanka has been relatively quiet since leaving her role as an advisor to her father. She has focused on spending time with her family and adjusting to life outside of the political spotlight. However, she has not completely disappeared from public view.

Recently, Ivanka has taken on a new role as a podcast host. In December 2021, she launched “The America First Podcast,” where she discusses a range of topics with guests from various fields. The podcast gives her the opportunity to share her perspectives and engage with listeners on current issues and trends.

In addition to her podcast, Ivanka remains active on social media, particularly on Instagram and Twitter. She often shares updates on her family life and provides glimpses into her daily activities. Ivanka also uses her platforms to promote various causes and initiatives that she is passionate about, such as women’s empowerment and workforce development.

It’s worth noting that Ivanka’s future political ambitions are still uncertain. While she has not announced any plans to run for public office, speculation has surrounded her potential candidacy for various positions, including senator or even president. However, it’s important to remember that this is all conjecture at this point, and Ivanka herself has not made any definitive statements regarding her political future.

Overall, Ivanka Trump is currently residing in Miami, Florida, focusing on her family and exploring new opportunities outside of the political realm. Her podcast and social media presence allow her to maintain a public presence and connect with her followers. While her political aspirations remain unclear, Ivanka continues to be an influential figure in both the business and public spheres, and her next steps are eagerly anticipated by many.



