What’s Ivanka Trump’s Job?

Ivanka Trump is a well-known figure in the world of business and politics. Born on October 30, 1981, in New York City, she is the daughter of real estate magnate Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana Trump. Ivanka is known for her various ventures and successful career, but what exactly is her job?

One of Ivanka Trump’s notable job titles is that of an executive vice president in her father’s Trump Organization. As part of this role, she has been involved in various aspects of the family business, including real estate development, marketing, and design. She has played a significant role in promoting and expanding the company’s brand, both domestically and internationally.

Aside from her work within the Trump Organization, Ivanka has also made a name for herself as a fashion entrepreneur. In 2007, she launched her own fashion line, the Ivanka Trump Collection. The brand initially focused on affordable luxury women’s clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories. However, in an August 2017 announcement, Ivanka revealed that she would be shutting down her fashion brand to focus on her role as an advisor to her father in the White House.

Speaking of her role as an advisor, Ivanka Trump officially joined the White House staff in March 2017, serving as an unpaid senior advisor to President Donald Trump. In this capacity, she has focused on various policy areas and initiatives. She has been particularly involved in advocating for issues related to women’s empowerment, paid family leave, workforce development, and education. She often travels and speaks on behalf of these causes, championing policies that aim to support women in the workforce and promote economic opportunity.

It is important to note that Ivanka’s appointment as a White House advisor received some criticism and controversy due to concerns over nepotism and potential conflicts of interest. However, she took steps to address these concerns by stepping down from her executive position in the Trump Organization and placing her fashion brand in a trust managed by family members.

Ivanka Trump’s role in the White House has not been without its challenges. While some have praised her efforts to advance gender equality and promote economic policies, others have criticized her for not doing enough or for failing to have a significant impact on policy decisions. Her involvement in the administration has sparked debates and discussions about the appropriate roles of family members in the White House and the influence they hold.

Despite the controversies and criticisms, Ivanka Trump continues to be a prominent and influential figure in the business and political realms. Her various roles and business ventures have made her a well-known name, and her involvement in advocating for key policies continues to shape her public image. Whether she will remain in the political arena or make a return to the business world in the future remains to be seen, but her impact on both spheres has been significant.



