Are Ivanka Trump And Karlie Kloss Friends?

It is well known that Ivanka Trump, the daughter of former President Donald Trump, and Karlie Kloss, the supermodel and entrepreneur, share a complicated relationship. While many have speculated about their friendship, it is evident that their connection has been strained in recent years.

Ivanka Trump and Karlie Kloss were once close friends, often seen socializing together and sharing pictures on social media. Kloss even attended Trump’s wedding to Jared Kushner in 2009, and the two were reportedly very close during this time.

However, their friendship started to face challenges when Kloss became more outspoken about her political views, which differed from those of the Trump family. Kloss is known for her liberal stance and has been vocal about her support for causes such as women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights.

As the years went by, the divide between Ivanka Trump and Karlie Kloss became more apparent. Kloss publicly revealed that she voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, which put her at odds with her once-close friend, Ivanka, who actively campaigned for her father.

Since then, their relationship has cooled off significantly. Kloss has distanced herself from the Trump brand and has not been seen publicly interacting with Ivanka Trump. She has also made a conscious effort to establish herself as a separate entity from the Trump family, focusing on her modeling and business ventures.

Despite the increasing divide, both Ivanka Trump and Karlie Kloss have made efforts to remain civil in public settings. In 2018, they were photographed together at the wedding of Misha Nonoo, a mutual friend. However, these instances of cordiality do not necessarily signify a rekindled friendship between the two.

It is important to note that relationships between public figures can be heavily impacted by political differences. In the case of Ivanka Trump and Karlie Kloss, their differing political beliefs have undoubtedly played a significant role in their strained friendship.

In addition to their political differences, various rumors and speculation have surrounded the nature of their relationship. Some reports have suggested that the strain between the two was not solely due to politics but also involved personal issues. However, without concrete evidence, these claims remain speculation.

In conclusion, while Ivanka Trump and Karlie Kloss were once close friends, their friendship has suffered due to their differing political views. Although they have been seen together publicly on occasion, their relationship appears to be strained at best. As time goes on, it remains uncertain whether their friendship will be able to overcome these challenges.



